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Projects Management  



This is where it all starts...

The asMade system was created after extensive experience in the construction industry. The knowledge we gained in this field enabled us to develop a system tailored precisely to the day-to-day needs. We understand that time is money, especially in construction and renovation projects.

With our system, you can consistently document the progress of your projects, track the presence of employees on-site, and monitor equipment availability. It also allows for automatic sharing with officials and offers a range of other advanced features to help you efficiently manage your projects from anywhere, thanks to a digital work diary accessible on your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

The asMade system is regularly updated to offer the most advanced and necessary features. We maintain active communication with our users and welcome any ideas for new options.

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A digital project management system


Daily report

Save valuable time during the day by creating work diaries for projects and uploading photos. Share the diary using a variety of options and methods, and automatically distribute it daily to a pre-selected distribution list


Who was on-site and on what day? Record the presence of subcontractors and document the tools and equipment present on-site. You can define prepared lists that vary from project to project.


What did we do on the site a month ago? And what did we do yesterday? A detailed work diary can help prevent disputes in the future. It enables you to track progress and create a customized checklist for the company, allowing field personnel to verify execution and progress according to the steps

Cloud drawing storage

The simple creation of folders and quick uploading of current drawings will prevent confusion and enable continuous work. You can also send drawings to workers in the field quickly using the system

Physical signature

Do you need a professional to sign a work diary? With a mobile device, you can easily sign and lock work diaries

Creating tasks

Create tasks for subcontractors, including photo uploads, receive automatic reminders, and monitor status until your approval for task completion


Advanced project management

Some of our features

  •    System display language selection: English, Hebrew, Russian
  •    cloud storing drawings for each project and sharing easily
  •    physical signature of officials in the work diary
  •    creating tasks to perform
  •    Automatic display of current weather conditions while writing the diary
  •    Save a draft to the diary and keep updating throughout the day
  •    Each diary is automatically sent at the end of the day to the defined mailing list
  •    Upload photos to each diary and mark the important things
  •    Easily export diaries to a Word or Excel file
  •    Share diaries with others via email and even Whatsapp
  •    Easily add and remove professionals to any project
  •    Easily find old diaries using search and advanced filtering options

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